The Fantasy Freebooting Tour with Jan Hawke #RRBC

Great short fiction piece.

Fiction Favorites

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Please join me in welcoming Jan Hawke to Fiction Favorites. She is on a 4Wills Publishing Tour and I’m so happy  she decided to make my place one of her stops.

Fan fiction as backstory

Because we weren’t allowed to play even minor characters from the original books (and films) we were given a pretty free rein with creating our own ‘original’ characters. Who you chose, and where and how you decided to play them was up to you. Some people only wanted to play in classic canon style threads and so their hobbits, elves or dwarves etc, tended to retain the original profiling as written by Tolkien – salt of the earth hobbit types like Sam Gamgee, or enigmatic, serious Rangers like Aragorn. You knew where you were with that kind of character.

For a Bard like Jano, you were of course expected to sing and tell stories, and…

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