A Puzzling Romance

This is another poem from a prompt, using the words,rubik’s cube, demonized and carrot. It turned out pretty good considering those words!!

Caitlin with the carrot-colored hair

Went off to visit a witch so fair.

Seeking help, her problem, profound.

The witch’s familiar was a Basset Hound!

“What? No black cat?” Caitlin asked.

“Sadly, my cat was possessed! Aghast!

A corrupt thing, most surely demonized. 

So I changed her into this hound so fine.”

“What, my sweet, might I do for you?

While cooing to her grey morning dove.

“I have looked far and wide,” the lass replied. 

But cannot find my one true love.”

The witch rose to stir her cauldron stew.

Dug deep into a magical tapestry bag,

And handed Caitlin a rubic’s cube,

Which made the lovelorn girl quite mad!

“I beseech your help and receive a toy?”

“Ah, my beauty, it will bring you joy.

For when solved, the rubic’s squares,

Will bring the one for whom you care.”

The witchcraft worked on the very first try,

As Caitlin sat alone in the park.

A handsome, dark-eyed man ambled by

And made a quizzical remark.

“Excuse me Miss,” he said, and sat

Beside her on the wooden bench.

“You seem to need a hand with that.

His eyes took in the lovely wench.

Moments passed with no retreat,

As he twisted, turned, then it was done.

The rubic’s cube was now complete.

Caitlin sighed, her heartstrings sung.

Far in the distance howled a sound

From a most special Basset Hound.

The witch pulled up her blood-red cowl

And smiled; true love once more, found.

The End

The Beginning

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